(News)最低賃金全国一律28円上げ - Minimum Wage up 28 yen/hr uniformly across the nation -
(News) HACCPが6月より義務化されます -HACCP mandatory since June 2021-
(News)持続化給付金、家賃支援給付金申請締切日2/15まで延長- Subsidies for Sustaining Biz & Rent Support Benefits 'til Feb15
(News)新型コロナ特例雇用調整助成金受給期間6月末まで延長‐Employ't adjustment subsidy receiving period extend 'til June 30 -
(News)宮城県が2021年4月1日より自転車安全利用条例を施行します-The Ordinance of Safe Use of Bicycles enforce on April 1, 2021-
(News)新型コロナ関連雇用調整助成金の特例措置を来年2月迄延長します-Employment adjustment subsidy further extend 'til Feb.2021-
(Blog)客観的・合理的な理由・社会通念上相当とは?- A latest court case of Employment Dismissal Regulations -
(Blog)昨日の最高裁判決から賞与の意味を考える -Top Court rejected the provision of the bonus to nonregular employees-
(News)新型コロナ影響による標準報酬月額特例改定の延長- Special change of the standard monthly fee period extend -
(Blog)コスモス成年後見サポートセンター -Cosmos Adult Guardianship Support Center-
(News)最低賃金2020-The legal minimum wage 2020
(Blog)労基署と指摘‐How should a Company meet the inspection by Labor Standards Inspection Office ?
(News)副業・兼業の促進に関するガイドライン - Guideline for the promotion of the second Job, the side job
(News)COVID-19で影響を受ける事業者向け冊子の活用 -Practical use of Brochure for Companies suffering by COVID-19
(News)本邦滞在中の在留資格者再入国予定申出緩和 - Deregulation of Request of intention to re-enter Japan for foreigners
(News)雇用調整助成金特例措置再延長その② - Special Measure for Job Adjustment Subsidies re-extension PartⅡ
(News)個人情報保護事務所(SRPII)認証を取得しました - ENILMC was certified as the Personal Information Protection Office
(News)雇用調整助成金特例措置を12月末まで延長 - Special Measure for Job Adjustment Subsidies extend until the year end
(Blog)このロゴマークの意味するところ -What does this company's logo tell you ?