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  • 執筆者の写真西川英三郎

(News) HACCPが6月より義務化されます -HACCP mandatory since June 2021-

2018年の改正食品衛生法が2020年6月より施行され、1年間の猶予期間を経て今年2021年6月よりHACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Point)が義務化されます。


(原則1) 危害要因の分析

(原則2) 重要管理点の決定

(原則3) 管理基準の設定

(原則4) モニタリング方法の設定

(原則5) 改善措置の設定

(原則6) 検証方法の設定

(原則7) 記録と保存方法の設定


HACCP management will enter into force in Japan on June 2021. Seven principles of CODEX, the international food standards defined by FAO and WHO, are as follows.

Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis

Principle 2: Determine the Critical Control Points

Principle 3: Establish critical limit(s) for each CCP

Principle 4: Establish a monitoring system for each CCP

Principle 5: Establish corrective actions in order to deal with deviations when occur

Principle 6: Establish verification procedures to determine if the HACCP system is working effectively

Principle 7: Establish documentation and record keeping

While any enterprises where more than 50 employees are working have to implement effective plan of the sanitation control in accordance with HACCP, the ones less than 50 employees may flexibly comply with the control in line with the simplified concept of HACCP with reference to the guideline made by each industry associations. Specifically, each enterprise should establish the food sanitation officer and 1) set up the hygiene management plan for the general hygiene control points, 2) set up the hygiene management plan for the important control points, 3) record the conducted results of the general hygiene control management, 4) record the conducted results of the important hygiene control management, and then the continuous review must be made by the food sanitation officer. (19/JAN/2021)

English URL: 概要 (

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