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  • 執筆者の写真西川英三郎

(News)仙台市第3次時短要請等関連事業者支援金を受付中-Support Funding for Businesses accepted reduced biz hrs now available-



The application of 3rd support funding for the businesses who accepted the request of reducing business hours has been in progress since October 15. City of Sendai will provide the support money for those small and medium size businesses whose monthly sales revenue of either August or September 2021 decreased more than certain level compared to YoY or YoY-1. It could be applicable not only for the restaurants, the business owners who manage the target stores of being requested reduced business hours or its business partners but also for the ones who suffered from the influence of the state of emergency or semi emergency measures no matter what industry they belong to. The closing date of the application is Friday, November 19. (26/OCT/2021)

詳細は以下のURL Linkをご参照下さい。URLs (Japanese only) are as follows.

≪標記支援金制度の概要等(本市 HP)≫




≪お問い合わせ専用ダイヤル≫  Contact Tel No.

022-263-8833 (平日 9:00~17:00) 担当:仙台市経済局地域経済再生担当

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